This November 23rd we’re bringing you the second edition of the Lift OFF internal individual weightlifting competition. This year we’re innovating and all the athletes will have to get through CrossFit Total 1 (Back Squat, Deadlift and Strict Press) in the morning like last year but in the afternoon they will be challenging themselves with the Olympic Weightlifting Total of Snatch and Clean and Jerk. 

The other novelty this year is that we will be using the Sinclair Coefficient method to make the competition even. The Sinclair Coefficient is a numerical value that adjusts an athlete’s performance based on their body weight. In order to achieve that we will need to weigh each participant in the morning. 

Here’s an example, Chris lifted 462.5 for CrossFit Total 1 and his Olympic Weightlifting Total is 200. The Total of both is 662.5 and the Sinclair Total for Chris would be 819.53

This competition is only open to Claymore members and is a great way to find your maximal strength potential. A competition setting is the best way to push yourself beyond your limits and what is the best environment to do it within the walls of your box surrounded by your coaches and your friends.

What to expect

CrossFit Total 1 is the sum of the best of three attempts at the Back Squat, the Strict Press, and the Deadlift. The Olympic Weightlifting Total is the sum of best lifts in Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. You will attempt each lift 3 times just like in a traditional weightlifting competition and the weight must increase after each successful attempt at each movement. The weight may not be decreased after the first attempt but you can redo it. A failed rep counts as an attempt. You’ll be allowed to take the back squat and shoulder press from the weight rack. The results will be displayed in a live leaderboard throughout the day. 

Join us on Saturday the 25th of November for the Lift OFF from 8:00 to 4pm. We will start with a weigh in for everyone and will run the event in waves. The podium will be held in the afternoon so we’ll be able to celebrate everyone’s achievements on the day.

Sign up now through this link for 15£. This fee includes the participation as well as food for lunch from the next door Delicious as well as tea and coffee available throughout the day.

We’re looking forward to bringing this second edition to you


The second edition of the Rowathon at Claymore CrossFit will take place on Saturday the 21st of September in the morning. Just like last year we are rowing 42.195 km for a great cause! This will be an opportunity to get our amazing community together to raise funds for the Stroke association. 

We’ve chosen this specific cause because it’s one that is close to our hearts because Chris sadly lost his father to a stroke. And to honor his passing we’re putting on this event and the fundraising. We would be glad to have you participate but if you’re unable to make it that day you can donate via this link

To make it even more fun we’re inviting some of the Perthshire sports clubs to row with us and are thrilled to have them for this occasion. To fuel the Rowathon we ask everyone to please bring something to nibble on afterwards for a Brunch. It can be sweet or salty and don’t forget the protein. Claymore will take care of the drinks. So assemble your team of 5 and sign up on the main board at the box.


Nutrition plays a crucial role when practising any sport and especially CrossFit, as it fuels the body for intense workouts, supports recovery, helps lose body fat and build muscle. A balanced diet rich in proteins, timely carbohydrates, and healthy fats provide the energy needed for high-performance training, while vitamins and minerals aid in muscle repair and overall health. Proper nutrition also enhances endurance and reduces the risk of injury, enabling athletes to consistently perform at their best and achieve their fitness goals.

It all seems easy on paper but where do you start? 

Start with our Nutrition Challenge, because it will help you build your own path. We will meet you where you are and work from there. It’s been proven to be impossible to shift one’s habits and create an ideal scenario overnight so we take one step at a time and make it manageable for you. You will be supervised by a qualified Nutrition coach who has a heap of experience and has been helping people improve their quality of life for many years. 

The format of the Nutrition Challenge is interactive as you’ll be working in a small group of 10 people that will help you to stay motivated throughout the 6 weeks and beyond. Each week we will give you a new habit to master, each building on the previous one like building blocks to reach your goal. Each habit will be explained and tailored to your lifestyle for the best outcome. 

The notion of challenge comes from the fact that you will be challenging your current ways and because we throw in a healthy incentive to the winner of the best body composition (most body fat percentage lost). One of our previous editions’ winner of the Nutrition Challenge was Rachael. Her results were just amazing, in 6 weeks she lost a total of 4.4 pounds of which were 3.4 fat mass as well as 5cm around her waist and 3.5cm around her hips. She regained her confidence with new healthy habits and is able to enjoy long distance running with more ease, which is her original passion apart from CrossFit. 

And how do we know that the Nutrition Challenge works? 

Because we’ve got the numbers to prove it thanks to the InBody scanner 270. The InBody is a machine that measures body composition through bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). The BIA method sends a small alternating current through the body that allows for highly accurate measurements of a person’s body fat as well as water, lean mass, overall weight, and more. We use it throughout the 6 weeks, in the beginning, half way and at the end of the challenge.

This is your opportunity to finally get on track with long term healthy habits that will keep serving you for the rest of your life. Follow this link and get signed up for our upcoming edition. We run them quarterly.


Double Trouble!

We are pleased to announce that on Saturday 15th of June from 8:30am to 4pm we are running our second edition of Double Trouble. This mixed pairs competition is open only to Claymore CrossFit members. The aim of this competition is to allow all levels of athletes to participate in a fun and challenging environment. That is why we will have 2 categories: Scaled and RX. 

Scaled or RX?

In order for you to decide which one to choose here are a few example standards:

Scaled: Knee raises, Jumping Pull-ups*, Pull-ups*, Thruster 20kg/15kg

RX: Toe-to-bar, Pull-Ups*, Muscle ups*, HSPU*, Thruster 40kg/25kg

*At least one athlete should be able to do it

If you’re having a hard time choosing the category, ask your coach, he/she will help you to find out what suits better.


There is a sign up fee of 35£ for the team (17.50£ per athlete). The participation fee will go towards the podium prizes and a thank you for volunteers who will receive a t-shirt and free lunch. Each athlete will also get a Claymore CrossFit goodie bag full of amazing surprises.

Exciting news

We are lucky to have local companies sponsoring our event such as Deadset Studios Barber Co, Michelle Henderson with HH Consultancy and Lisa and Dave Stewart with Home Heating Services Scotland we are also looking for local companies and businesses to complement our event and will be glad to work with them. If you are a local entrepreneur or know of one don’t hesitate to send them our way and get in touch with Olga. Let’s get this amazing community together and help each other grow strong!

How to sign up?

Once you find your teammate sign up on the board at Claymore CrossFit. The number of teams is limited to 30 in order to make sure the day goes well and follows a tight schedule!

Are you without a partner? Not a problem, there is a board for athletes looking for a teammate. Simply put your name down and your desired category and we will find the perfect match for you. 


We will need volunteers on the day of the competition (scoring, judges, preparation of heats, equipment prep…). So if you don’t want to participate in the competition but still want to be part of the day, sign up on the board as well. To thank you, you will get a t-shirt and a free lunch! If you’re free and willing to help that day send Olga an email 

We’re looking forward to this first edition of Double trouble at Claymore CrossFit


Oleksiy Torokhtiy is a professional athlete with 20 years of experience in Olympic weightlifting under his belt. He won multiple European and World titles and also took part in two Olympic Games first in Beijing in 2008 where he totaled 390 kg (Snatch, clean and Jerk) and London in 2012 where he totaled 412 kg and won a Gold medal.

Oleksiy’s Personal Bests are:

Snatch – 200kg (click to watch)

Clean and Jerk – 240kg (click to watch)

After finishing his career he committed himself to coaching and has hosted over 200 weightlifting seminars all over the globe. 

At Claymore CrossFit in September

This autumn Oleksiy Torokhtiy is coming to Perth, Scotland at Claymore CrossFit to deliver a two day seminar. Book your weekend of 7th-8th of September for an elite level course, where you will go over some theoretical parts, drills and training delivered by the champion himself. You will learn and deepen your knowledge on the Snatch, Clean and Jerk as well as practice under the guidance of Oleksiy. The day will start at 9:00am and will finish at 6pm both days.

This seminar is open to all and will cater to your levels of performance to help you further your technique in the 3 Olympic weightlifting movements. 

Seminar’s price

The price for this seminar is £160 and we’ve created a zero interest payment plan for you to pay £20 per month for 8 monthly payments leading up to the seminar. Follow this link for full payment and this link for the payment plan. 

Register now as spaces are limited to 22 participants.


CrossFit Games Open 2024

2024 CrossFit Games OPEN is approaching fast and is less than a month away and it’s time to prepare for it. The Open is running across 3 weeks from February 29th to March 18th 2024. Anyone can take part, no matter your fitness level/ability or age! 

You’re not sure to be fit enough to participate? Have no worries as there are 3 categories to choose from: Foundations, Scaled and Rx. And you will be competing with people your own age. But the real competition is with yourself. You can find more information and sign up directly on the CrossFit Games official site and sign up there as well: 

Watch the announcement at Claymore

The announcement of the Open workouts it’s the most exciting part of the CFGames and it’s going to happen on Thursdays 28th of February, 6th and 13th of March from 8:00pm. Join us for a drink and a fun time.

Friday Night Lights

At Claymore CrossFit we will run the Open Workouts all day Friday (29th February, 7th and 14th of March) with a special gathering on Friday Night Lights from 5:00pm to 8:30pm. The evening will run in several heats to allow for everyone to do the workout. And on the last Friday 15th of March the whole Claymore community will come together for a PotLuck meal with Claymore providing drinks.

To make it even more fun we will run an Intramural competition. Everyone who joins will be split into 3 teams that will compete against each other. We will announce the composition of the teams on the 29th of February and your respective captains will be Aedan, Steph and Valerio with a co-captains along their side. The captains will be your guides during the 3 weeks and will help you get through the Open. 

Details about the Intramural competition:

The Open is upon us and it’s time to prepare the team’s strategy for the Intramural Open Competition. The 3 teams will be earning points each week based on each and everyone’s participation (1 point per person), judging (1 point per person, not cumulating) and score placement in the given category (depending on the place: 3 for the first , 2 for second or 1 point for the 3rd place). 

With regard to the scores they will be counted in all 3 categories Foundations, Scaled and Rx, across Women and Men and with a division between above and below 40 as well as 55 years old.

Open Prep Workshops

And that’s not all! We’re building 3 Open Prep Workshops to help you prepare for the Open and beyond. Running up to Friday Night lights you can join one, two or all three specialty workshops to help you get even better prepared for it.

Friday the 9th of February: Weightlifting (barbell and DB movements) with coach Aedan

Friday the 16th of February: Mono-structural (jump rope, rowing, box jumps and burpees) with coach Steph

Friday the 23rd of February: Gymnastic movements (pull-ups, chest to bar, muscle-ups, push-ups, HSPU) with coach Valerio

The workshop will be an hour and a half, starting from 7:30-9:00 pm

What you get during the Open Workshop:

  • step-by-step individual coaching
  • work on progressions depending on your current level to allow you to progress
  • focus on the movements you will likely see in the Open
  • the pleasure of doing an open WOD from the previous years
  • tips and strategies on how to approach the Open wod with the specific movements 

Prices for Open Workshop

One workshop  £12 – follow this link

Two workshops £22 – follow this link

Three workshops £ 33 – follow this link

The places are limited to 12 participants per workshop, so sign up now!

Let’s make this Open season the best one at Claymore CrossFit

Hydration is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Water plays a vital role in various bodily functions, including:

  • Temperature Regulation: Sweating and breathing are essential mechanisms for regulating body temperature, and both processes require adequate water intake.
  • Nutrient Transportation: Water helps transport nutrients throughout the body, ensuring cells receive the necessary elements for proper function.
  • Joint Lubrication: Proper hydration helps maintain the lubrication of joints, reducing the risk of injuries and promoting joint flexibility.
  • Digestive Function: Water is essential for digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients. It also helps prevent constipation.
  • Cognitive Function: Dehydration can impair concentration, alertness, and short-term memory, emphasising the importance of staying hydrated for optimal cognitive performance.

The amount of water a person should drink varies based on factors such as age, sex, weight, physical activity level, and climate. A common recommendation is the “8×8 rule,” which suggests drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, totaling about 2 litres or half a gallon. However, individual needs may differ, and some people may require more or less water.

A more personalised approach involves considering factors like thirst, urine colour (pale yellow is generally a good indicator of hydration), and specific lifestyle considerations. It’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your water intake accordingly. Additionally, individuals engaged in intense physical activity such as CrossFit or a high level of activity during the day may need to increase their water intake to compensate for increased fluid loss through sweat. If you want to check your hydration levels you’re welcome to book a consultation with us. We use the next level technology InBody scanner that allows us to see the water content in the body amongst other values. Follow this link and get an appointment with us. 


Ever heard the expression “a goal without a plan is just a wish”? I have, and I never realised how true it was until I got serious and learned how to make goals, and more importantly how to achieve them.

Life gets too crazy and without being very deliberate in choosing what I want to accomplish I would get nowhere. Standing still scares me, and I have a deep need to feel that I’m always making progress somewhere or somehow.

Knowing how to set goals and achieve them has become indispensable to me. Right now, I want to talk to you about the first steps on how to make goals.

There’s a widely known acronym for setting goals it’s called SMART, there are variations to this, but here’s what they stand for:

S – Specific: The goal cannot be general, it must be specific and make sure to include a positive statement. For example, instead of stating “I want to get fit”, go with “I will start exercising 3 times a week”.

M – Measurable: The goal must be quantifiable, add a number to it! It also helps to know where you stand right now with your goal so you know if you’re making progress. Such as: “I want to lose 3 kilograms of body fat”.

A – Achievable: The goal must be achievable within the timeframe, which means you can actually accomplish it. You must be able to do something about it and it has to be within your control. “I need to lose 20kg” – that would be a 2 year plan to be successful. Break it down in smaller goals to make it manageable. 

R – Relevant: The goal must be relevant to you, it must mean something to you. Don’t set a goal to make someone else happy, set a goal for yourself. Ask yourself why achieving that goal is important to you and what will it change for you? It will make you more proud of yourself and boost your confidence. 

T – Time Key: Make sure your goal has a deadline! Without a deadline, a goal is just an aspiration. “I want to lose 3 kilograms of body fat by March 31st.

At Claymore CrossFit we sit down with our clients, write down their goals, provide them with some guidelines and advice on how to achieve those goals.

There is a lot involved in effective goal setting, I have outlined above the easiest 20% effort to do to get the 80% reward. And now I’d like to invite you for a meeting to talk about your goals. Book your free session here and set your new year goals. You’re not a member yet? No problem, I’m happy to help you get on track with your personalised approach to your goals. So see you real soon.



We’re starting 2024 strong with a new and precise tool, our InBody 270. Because when it comes to health, your body weight doesn’t tell you the whole story. Your body is made up of muscle, fat, bone and water. Losing weight is not the same as losing fat and gaining weight may not be the same as getting fatter. Our new InBody 270 Body Composition Report provides extensive data relevant to body composition that can be used to select targeted strategies to efficiently lose fat, dial in your nutrition, identify muscle deficiencies and more.

Claymore CrossFit members now have access to this amazing machine that allows for accurate and non-invasive body composition testing in less than 30 seconds. This quick, easy and precise analysis will provide an objective starting point to track your progress as you start, or continue, on your quest to better health and fitness.

Included in the scan is a 15 minute explanation of your results. There is a lot of information included on the results sheets and understanding these is critical to truly assessing your progress, plateaus or sticking points. Is what you’re doing working for you? Is your training program fixing your imbalances? Is your visceral fat high and symptomatic of deeper health problems? How many calories per day should you be eating? All these questions and more can be answered by getting a scan.

Our members will get a biannual scan that will ensure that they’re on track with their goals. Here’s the link to book your consultation in the Member Check in calendar. The value of this consultation is £20 and Claymore members get it for free.

You’re not a member? Not a problem, we’ll be glad to get you in for a 20 min consultation. Purchase your slot here for a £30 fee and get a full explanation of the results with our expert coach. 

Your health journey starts in 2024 so let’s make it a great one thanks to this technology and expert coaches to guide you!

We are thrilled to announce that this year we will have a private Claymore Christmas party in the Gannochy suite at the Dewars Center Ice Rink in Perth on Saturday the 2nd of December. 

The festivities will begin at 7pm and will end at midnight. There will be a delicious 3 course meal prepared by Lang’s Foods and you can already choose your preferred dishes following this link. A bar will be at our disposal with a large selection of beverages such as lagers, ales, wines, ciders, soft drinks and many more.

Apart from the amazing food the entertainment will be unforgettable. You’ll be able to take spectacular pictures at our Photo Booth, a DJ will light up the dance floor with crazy music and we will throw together fun games to keep you going into the night. We will also have the prize giving ceremony for the Lift OFF competition from the week before. So how can you resist all that?

The cost per person is £45 and payments can be made to the following account

Account name: Chris Brown 

Sort code: 80-48-31 

Account number: 01146407

Please include “Christmas” as the reference for the payment.

This party is open to all our members as well as their families and friends. 

Join the fun and sign up today!